Post #95 – Excerpt

September 19, 2023

“May the Lord your God have mercy on your soul.” Said the executioner as he was about to pull the lever and drop his victim to his demise.
“And to you,” replied the prisoner.
“What do you mean? For I am not the one who is about to die; You ARE!”
“Well, For the Lord said ‘Thou Shalt not Kill.’ and me, not having done anything actually wrong, may face my judgement in peace. You however, How many people have you killed? Hundreds? Thousands?
Albeit you had the blessing of the king and the citizens to do so, would this still not be a contradiction of the Lord’s command?
So I daresay again, may He also have mercy on <i>your soul</i>, good sir; For when your time comes, He will not forget your deeds either. Repent. For you may yet still save your soul. Turn from your deeds, and you may be saved.”
And with that, the executioner ended the conversation.

Though he couldn’t shake his final words from his mind. Was he truly in the wrong?
Afterall, <i>someone</i> had to fill the role of executioner.
Surely not everyone on this planet deserves to be here.

Sure there were some criminals who commited truly heinous crimes, like Serial Killers. They deserved to go, without a question.
While others were just truly rotten, and deserved no less than what was coming to them.
But others still, simply had to go because they were too much a disruption to the lives of everyday folk.
Talking about such nonsense as a Father other than the one that gave us birth.
How preposterous. Does he not know the definition of a father? Clearly not.

And yet, some of the strange things he said just made sense. Such as taking care of eachother, and loving your neighbours.

The world had fallen into such disarray from when the executioner was a little boy. People stopped looking out for one another, and only cared about themselves. Times were tough, and there wasn’t a lot to go around – let alone to spare. It sure felt like it was every man for himself.
There was no one there to help the executioner when he needed it.. He was well aware of that fact.
It was just him. All alone, each and everyday.
Though he did enjoy the conversations he had with the prisoners in their final moments – short as it was.
Sometimes there were tears and pleas for forgiveness. Other times he’d glean some insights, nuggets of information that may or may not help him in his life journey. But usually it was nonsense. People spouting their beliefs in a final attempt to keep their nonsense alive. The executioner usually just ignored it.
But today, there was something different about the conversation.
Something felt ‘off’; different.

He couldnt shake what the man had told him in his final moments.
Repent? Ask for forgiveness from an unseen force that may or not exist. With no evidence to back up his claims, surely it had to just be a made up story like all the other fairy tales that parents told their children when they were young.

But then why did this one seem different. Like it weighed on his heart and his mind. Why did it linger?
The executioner tried to shake it from his mind. But the more he tried, the harder it pulled him in.
Calling to him. Willing him to dig deeper, to understand.

Добраніч, гарна танцюристко!

June 16, 2023

Добраніч, гарна танцюристко!
Good night, my lovely dancer!

A Poem written in Ukrainian and English by Nadia Prokopchuk
Illustrated by Volodymyr Povoroznyk

Підскоч на ліжко, танцористко мала!
Сховайся під ковдру, бо ніч вже прийшла.

Hop into bed, my lovely dancer. It’s night.
Snuggle under the quilt in the soft moonlight.

Ангел Хоронитель тебе доглядає,
Над ліжком чарівні сни розкидає.

Your Guardian Angel protects overhead,
While sprinkling dreams around your bed.

Oh my! This vinok has other plans.
Leave your cocoon-quilt. It’s time to dance!

Ого! Цей Вінок не хоче спати. (Wow, this Vinok doesn’t want to sleep!)
Відкрий кокон-ковдру. Час танцювати!

On tiptoes, turn left into the moonlight.
Night wings appear. Are you ready for flight?

На півпальцях обернися раз наліво.
Тепер маєш крила. Чи це не диво?

Under the Stars, a magical garden awaits.
Kick slightly with merezhka to open the gate.

Лети до воріт. зірки сяють в садок.
Копай мережкою вбік, щоб зайти до квіток.

Each flower enjoys the toe-tap of tynok.
Reach up to the sky, then cradle your vinok.

Від квітки до квітки тиночком скачи.
Відкрий руки до неба, під вінок положи.

Kick forward with vidryvanka, using each foot.
As the dance dream fades, fly to your sleepy nook!

Відриванкою копай вперед по траві.
Кінчається сон. Лети до спальні!

The gate closes softly, your wings disappear.
Good night, my lovely dancer. Morning is near.

Закрились ворота, і крил уже нема.
добраніч, гарна танцюристко моя.

Оберт Мережка Тинок Відриванка

Ukrainian Dance Steps
Оберт (From the verb ‘obertaty’ [обертати] meaning ‘to turn’) –
Stretch your arms out to resemble the wings of a plane or petals of an open flower.
Take a step sideways with your left foot. As you take the step, spin to the left to make a full turn.
Then tap lightly with the right and then left foot on the spot.
The turn can be repeated to the right.
Rythm: One-Two-Three, One-Two-Three

Оберт (від дієслова “обертати”) – простягни руки вбік, ніби
крила літака або пелюстки відкритої квітки. зроби крок лівою ногою вліво, одночасно повертаючи корпус ліворуч.
на ліву ногу на місці. цей рух можна повторити правою ногою.
Ритм: раз-два-три, раз-два-три.

Добраніч, Малий Танцюристе!

June 16, 2023

Добраніч, малий танцюристе – Надія Прокопчук; Ілюстратор – Володимир Поворозник
Good Night, My Little Dancer! – By Nadia Prokopchuk; Illustrated by Volodymyr Povoroznyk

По молитві зажмури очки й спокійно чекай. – After your prayers, close your eyes.
Приємний сон до тебе загостить. – Soon you will begin to dream.

Закрутися в пояс, підскоч на проміння. – Twirl into your woven poyas.
Чарівний місяць тебе просить! – Then hop onto a magic moonbeam!

Дивись! – Look!
Ліворуч місяць, а праворуч планета Марс. – On the left moon, on the right planet Mars!
Приємно і дружньо помахни. – Pleaseantly and friendly, wave!

Бігунцем раз-два-три танцюй вище і вище, – Dance one-two-three bihunets’ (Running Step) higher and higher,
Де побачиш найясніші зірки. – to reach the brightest stars.

Вихилай ноги по Чумацькому Шляху. – With a heel-toe vykhyliasnyk,
Лівою: носик, каблук. Правою: носик, каблук. – explore the milky Chumak’s Path.

Танцюй гусачком між зірками. – Zigzag about with husachok (The Russian Goose Walk – folded arms, crouched).
Твій сміх… це милий звук! – Gleefully make this journey last!

Плетенням спускайся до Землі, – Weave pletennia back to Earth,
стежку до ліжка проплети. – as you float down from afar.

Покладь головку на подушку. – Rest your sleepy head on your pillow.
Добраніч! Боже, благослови. – God bless you, my dancing star.

Бігунець – Вихилясник – Гусачок – Плетення

Бігунець – Поклади руки на пояс. Правою ногою зроби – Bihunets’ or “Running Step” – Place hands on your waist. Take a big step forward with your right foot,
великий крок вперед, тобі лівою і правою зроби два – followed by two smaller steps with your left and then right foot.
менші кроки. Повтори процес, починаючи з лівої ноги. – Step forward with your left foot and repeat with two smaller steps.
Ритм: Раз-два-три, Раз-два-три. – Rythm: One-two-three, One-two-three

Вихилясник – Поклади руки на пояс. Поверни праве – Vykhyliasnyk or “Toe-Heel Step”
– Place hands on your waist. With your right foot,
коліно у напрямку до лівого коліна (до тіла) і торкнися
– turn your knee inward and touch the toe of your show to the floor.
носиком правого черевика до підлоги. Розверни праве –
коліно у протилежний бік (від тіла) і торкнися каблуком
– Then turn your knee outward and touch your heel to the floor.
черевика до підлоги. Повтори крок лівою ногою. – Repeat with your left foot.
Ритм: Раз-два, Раз-два.

Husachok – Hold Elbows with opposite hands so that your arms are parallel and in front of you. Crouch down to the floor and move your feet forward. Pretend you are walking like a little goose (Ukrainian: Husachok)
гусачок – сплети руки на грудях перед собою,
поклавши долоні на лікті і тримаючи їх паралельно до підлоги.
Присядь і починай переступати ногами вперед.
Ти ходиш, так як гусачок!

Pletennia or “Weaving Step” – Put your hands on your waist .
Place your right foot behind your left foot. As your right foot lands on the floor, slide it forward. Hop up slightly, as your lift your left foot. Repeat with the left foot.
Rythm: On-Two, One-Two.

Плетення – руки поклади на пояс. Підніми праву ногу й постав її позаду лівої.
Легенько підскоч на правій нозі, підсунувиш її трохи вперед і водночас підніми
ліву ногу. Повтори крок лівою ногою.
Ритм: Раз-два, раз-два.

In this poem, a woven sash (Ukrainian: пояс [poyas]) becomes magical in the moonlight, taking a little boy on a dancing adventure into the night sky. Will the little boy remember his dream when he awakes?

This poem is dedicated to all parents, especially those in rural communities, who played an active role in organizing Ukrainian dance clubs, fundraising events, and festivals on the prairies. Thanks to their efforts, children made lifelong friends and remained physically active during long winter months. More importantly, young dancers had fun while gaining a deeper understanding of their identity as Ukriainian Canadians.

Special thanks to Olena Huzar, Serhij Koroliuk, and Yuriy Zavadsky for their contributions, and to grandsons Velentyn and Anatoliy, who inspired this publication. Дуже дякую, мої любі малі танцористи!

Художнє видання
Надія Прокопчук
Добраніч, малий танцюристе! Good night, my little dancer!

Усі права застережено. копіювання, відтворення та перевидання
книжки та її частин без погодження з правовласниками заборонено.
Ілюстратор: Володимир Поворзник.

Підписано до друку 20.07.2020
формат 60×90/16. Умовн. друк. арк. 1,2
Умовн. фарбо-відь. 1,2
термін придатності необмежений зберігати в сухому місці
видавництво <<крок>>, Свідоцтво ДК No. 3538 від 30.07.2009 року
тел. +38 098 495 00 27,

удк 821.161.2-1
П 80
П 80 прокопчук Н.
добраніч, малий танцюрісте! Good night, my little dancer!
тернопіль: видавництво “крок”, 2020 – 20 с.
ISBN 978-617-692-589-7

Prokopchuk, N. Ukrainian-English text, 2020
Povoroznyk, V. Illustrations, 2020

Post #91 – Мені Сумно

March 7, 2023

I love a girl.
I think she knows it.

I don’t think she loves me back.
I think she is in love with someone else.

She said she might move away, across the country.
She didn’t say why. But I think I know.

How can I tell her I love when she she feels so distant from how she used to be.
How can I win back her heart when I don’t even know how to express my feelings to her.

I love her, but all I can do is step aside and watch my world fall to pieces.

I don’t think she ever felt the same for me, but it’s hard to say.
I loved our deep conversations on many things.
I loved going to the Astronomy Centre.
I loved how you’d say good morning to me everyday.

For you presence was always there, and it always warmed my heart when I saw you.

But now, now you are gone.
No more do you wish me a good morning when you get up.
No more do you seem enthusiastic to read my messages when I say hi to you.
No more do you make me feel welcome in your presence.

Perhaps that is just me.
Perhaps that is me mis-interpreting the situation.
How it feels you are trying to get rid of me, when you say otherwise.
Or were you truly just using me for a ride home that day?

I’m always happy when I see you,
And I love joining you for coffee, but I also feel that I am inviting myself to join you rather than you wanting me to be there.

You gave me your number after the fact.
What does it mean?

Are you testing me?
Are you trying to keep an opwn line because you know you will soon be gone?
Or are you trying to throw me a bone to see how I will react?
Well, let me tell you; I don’t know how to react.
I am beyond confused.
I love you, but I feel like an emotional roller coaster with you.

You make me feel welcome,
You make me feel unwelcome.

You make me feel wanted.
You make me feel like an accessory.

You make me happy,
you make me sad.

Well I don’t know how much more of this I can take.
One day I won’t be there when you reach out – if you ever reach out.
Lately you feel more reactionary than proactive.
Is it because of him?

You guys get the benefit of working together.
You see eachother, eye to eye, each day.

I don’t get this luxury.
I work at night. I am all alone.
I see no one.
I love no one.

All I have is me.
And all that matters is me.

I don’t know if this is me saying good bye, or asking for clarity.
I don’t want to lose you,
You are one of the three great loves of my life.
But Alas, three, Such is the story of my life.
As it has been, so it shall always be.

Just me.
Alone for eternity.
Doomed to walk forever in darkness.
Perhaps one day I will see the light.

But for now,
Good night.

Post #90 – An Unfinished Thought

January 5, 2023

Are you there?
Why can’t I feel you anymore?
It used to be so warm in your presence,
Now all I feel is emptiness.

It is cold without you near.
I miss how we used to talk everyday,
about anything and everything.

But now that is gone.
You are gone,
And I don’t know if you’ll ever be back.

I thank-you for the time we had together.
The memories and the dreams.
I don’t know if I can ever go back.
I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same again…

Post #89 – Ukranian Alphabet (Notes)

December 29, 2022

In the Ukranian Cryillic (Sir-illic) Alphabet, there are 33 letters.
22 are Consonents, 10 are Vowels (6 Hard “Vowels”, 4 Soft “Special Vowels”) Plus a Soft sign (ь) Znak Myakshennia

Аа (ah) Vowel (On Keyboard, same as F)
Бб (beh) (On Keyboard, same as ,)
Вв (veh) (On Keyboard, same as D)
Гг (heh) (On Keyboard, same as U)
Ґґ (geh) (On Keyboard, same as \)
Дд (deh) (On Keyboard, same as L)
Ее (eh) Vowel (On Keyboard, same as T)
Єє (yeh) Special (On Keyboard, same as ‘ “)
Жж (zhe or je) like pleasure (On Keyboard, same as 😉
Зз (ze) (On Keyboard, same as p)
Ии (ooh – kind of like french e) Vowel “I” as in the word bit (On Keyboard, same as B)
Іі (ee) Vowel (On Keyboard, same as S)
Її (Yee) Special (On Keyboard, same as })
Йй (Yot or yacht) Same as a Y (On Keyboard, same as Q)
Кк (kah) (On Keyboard, same as R)
Лл (same as English L) (On Keyboard, same as K)
Мм (Same as English M) (On Keyboard, same as V)
Нн (Same an N) (On Keyboard, same as Y)
Оо (Same as O) Vowel (On Keyboard, same as J)
Пп (Same as French P – peh) (On Keyboard, same as G)
Рр (ehr or air – Rolled R, spanish Erro) (On Keyboard, same as H)
Сс (Same as S) (On Keyboard, same as C)
Тт (teh) (On Keyboard, same as N)
Уу Vowel (oo like moon) Vowel (On Keyboard, same as E)
Фф (Same a F) (On Keyboard, same as A)
Хх (Ha but hard H like in Hard) (On Keyboard, same as {\[ )
Цц (Tse) (On Keyboard, same as W)
Чч (Che) (On Keyboard, same as X)
Шш (Sha) (On Keyboard, same as I)
Щщ (Shch) (On Keyboard, same as O)
Юю (Yu) Special (On Keyboard, same as >)
Яя (Ya) Special (On Keyboard, same as Z)
Ьь (Znak M’Yakshennia – знак м’якшення) (On Keyboard, same as M)

Дуб = Oak Tree
небо = Sky
євген (yebhen) (it is someone’s name)
жаба (zhjaba) Frog
зуб = tooth
Mи = we (mwe)
ІННА (A Female name) (eena)
Їсти = Yistih = Eat
Кава = Coffee
Лампа = Lamp
Ніс = Niece (Nose)
Молоко = Milk
Петро = Petro – (A Male Name)
Рука = (Ruka) Hand
Сестра = Sister
Тепло = Warm
Фарба = paint

Post #88 – Founding blocks

December 23, 2022

Today I was talking with a girl I like.
We got onto the subject of what we think a relationship should be.
What we each hope to find in one.

Along the course of the conversation, there was mention of “Founding Blocks” within a healthy stable relationship.
It was revealed that the first and most important one was Communication.

For without Communication, How are the people in the relationship to know how the other feels.
Whether it’s good or bad; Open, Civil, and fair communication is extremely important.
Not only expressing concerns, but also being receptive, understanding, and caring to the other person’s needs.
It isn’t ok to just hear their words, if there is no action and change behind them.

Remember, Non-verbal communication is way more powerful than the words we say.
If we promise one thing and do another, this brings our credibility into question, and can further cause distance in a relationship.
Words with no action are just empty. Hollow.
Hear what your partner is saying, take action, and make change for the better.
This is not to say that “The Silent Treatment” is a good alternative to using our words. Actually Silence can be more of a killer than anything else. Talk with your

Remember, it is how you made eachother feel in the beginning that brought you two together.
In order to maintain this, effort has to be put in.

This is why communication is the first and most important brick to a solid foundation in a relationship.

The Second Brick is Trust.
Without Trust, there is no love. For how can there be?

Love without Trust is already broken, and therefore doomed to fail from the start.
Trust is like the glue that hold the bricks together.

Anyway, I shall revisit this topic another time.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and there is no reason a stable relationship shouldn’t be either.
It takes time, Communication, Trust, and Dedication.

Post #86 – Lonely Planet

November 3, 2022

He wanted to tell her how he felt.
He wanted to say much he liked her. But he was afraid.
Afraid of being rejected again.

He wanted to reach out, to have her presence near, for reassurance.
But he was also afraid that his persistence would only work to drive her away even further.
He was afraid he was already losing her, before it even began.

We wanted reassurance that his messages were welcome, but her lack of reply made him feel otherwise.
He knows how to take a hint now, after many times of this happening.

And yet, with some people, when he sees them in person, they don’t seem cold, like they ghosted him deliberately.
So he sums it up to a failure of the technology that his society had become so dependant upon.

But this only furthered sowed seeds of doubt.
Was she trying to send him a message to leave her alone, or was there some other flaw in the system.
People do often get busy with their lives.

But its been months. And every attempt at communication has been dodged, thwarted, and ignored.

He feels empty inside, like he has no one.
No one to turn to,
No friends to rely upon.

There is no one,
Only him and his thoughts.

Who needs them anyway?

People only bring pain.
We are stronger when we alone. We can do whatever we want, when we want.
We don’t have to coordinate schedules, check dates and times, or dress up.
We are free to just be.

And yet, it still left him feeling empty inside.
Like he wanted something that money couldn’t buy.
Something more real than anything we can see and touch.

But he knew it was impossible.
For there was nothing like that on this planet.

Post #84 – It’s Better than Sex

October 31, 2022

So a few nights ago I was feeling inspired.

As part of that “package” of thoughts, I started another post.

Let’s see what I wrote. But to be honest, I’m not feeling particularly inspired to write today.
Just one of those days. Oh and Happy Halloween!

“It’s better than sex.
How often do we hear these words?
I’m sure more often than not.

Well if sex is supposed to be so great, why then are so many other things better than it?

It’s because sex isn’t supposed to be the focus of a relationship, but rather just a part of it.

If the relationship sours, well guess what isn’t happening….
[I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point.]

More people should focus on the fundamentals of the relationship, companionship, love; rather than physical intimacy.

Physical attraction is important, sure, but it isn’t the only thing that matters.

Etc… Finish this thought later.”

I like where I was going with this.

I was trying to hone in on the “glue” of a relationship. What makes a relationship stronger?
Physical contact is something that any two people can partake in. But to truly know one another, to see into eachother’s hearts, that is the beauty of relationships.

Now I’m feeling somewhat inspired, hopefully I can keep this up.

Recently, I started reading a book called “The Storyteller’s Daughter” by Cameron Dokey. It is allegedly an artistic retelling of the ‘Arabian Nights’.
After the king’s wife betrays him for his [second] most trusted subject, and places a curse on him, his heart turns cold, and he vows to marry a new girl every month, but that their wedding night would be her last.

In this book, it explores the beautiful concept of seeing a person not with eyes, as we often do, but with our own hearts. To see into their souls, to know and be known.

To me, that’s what a relationship is all about. To know eachother more than just what we allow ourselves to be seen on the surface. To really, truly be intimate we must set aside our walls and look into eachother. That is where the true beauty lies.

As I run the risk of diluting my point, I shall end this one here.

Post #83 – Random Thoughts

October 30, 2022

Today is Sunday, October 30th 2022.
The world has just come out of a global pandemic.
War has broked out between Russia and Ukraine.
It has been 8 months already, and the war is still rages on.

There is Drought in China, Flooding in the Middle East, Sanctions against Russia, and The Netherlands has just passed a bill regarding the use of fertilizer on their crops.
The world is not looking to be in a good position for 2023.

There are rumours that there will be mass food shortages. With the sanctions against Russia, and the less-than-ideal policies here in North America regarding oil production, there also threatens to be a global energy crisis.
The USA’s Strategic Oil Reserve is being used now to combat high costs. OPEC has stated that they will reduce production due to less demand, and soon, the already high prices will be brought even higher.

Society is on the brink of collapse, as China’s housing sector is tumbling, developers have defaulted on their debts, housing projects are going unfinished – or being torn down altogether. Chinese citizens have stopped paying their mortgages for houses that they will never recieve, and Bank Runs are starting to happen.

As the US Fed continues raising interest rates to try and combat inflation, it also causes a tighter squeeze for many people, not just in North America, but all across the globe, as the USD is the global reserve currency.
This squeeze is affecting poorer nations the worst, as they are slowly becoming more unable to pay their debts since the interest is rising.

Speculation in the US and Canadian Stock Markets is fluctuating. Most days are bearish, but there are some short bull runs.
With the state of the world as it is, It’s hard to know exactly where to park my money so that it isn’t all lost, or becomes so devalued that the paper it’s printed on becomes no more valuable than actual Monopoly money…

“Currency is the medium on which all trade is based.”
If our current currency becomes devalued, what then are we to base our trades on? Good Will?

What gives currency it’s value anyway? Is it the promise made by the government? The Gold that it was once based on?
Or is it the belief that people place on it? How about none of these? What if the value that currency has is really nothing more than a token for an act or service provided.

How would an economy look if it were based on good deeds, and helping others?
Sure there would still be a need for physical goods too. In that regard, it isn’t so much a good deed, but more so the act. The Act of manufacturing something and making a product.
Who then is to say how many “deeds” would need to be done to acquire that object. How do you really base the value of a currency?

Is work really just the exchange of time for money?
Who then is to say that my time is worth less than someone else’s?
Time is finite. It truly the only currency that we possess.

Love on the hand is infinte, and can then be spread across the world with no consequences.
For as much as you love, you have lost nothing. Nothing was taken away, but only gained.

There are talks that the USA and other governing bodies are deliberately trying to devalue all currencies across the world so that they can implement a centralized digital currency.
A token if you will.

But the danger with that is that they will have absolute control over where, when, and how you can spend your money.
Again I ask, Who is to say that I am worth more or less than someone else?
Who will determine how much each person gets each month?
What If I want to give some money to a friend? will they allow that? or will that be giving someone more than their allotted ration?

Will I be allowed to spend it freely on things I desire, like travel, or will they limit who can travel, when and where?
It’s already happening in parts of the world, where theit governing body has absolute control over it’s people.
I live in a free country. Or at least, I used to.

Since the pandemic, the world has been more politicized and divided than it has ever been.
The threat of WW3 looms overhead each day.
Most people won’t survive it.

Again, who’s to say there isn’t some master puppet out there, controlling everything, pulling the strings to bend the world to their will.
If they want power and control, who will stop them? Who knows what’s even going on around them…

I fear the war is part of the master plan. The plan to limit the number of people on the planet, to gain absolute control of them, and to enslave them for their bidding.
There is no freedom anymore. Only fear.

Fear of your neighbours, fear of what they might think. Fear that they will label you “undesirable” and turn you over to the authorites for having a different opinion than theirs.

The world is sick. People are hurt. There is no civil discourse or open discussion anymore. Only censorship and “The Narrative” that is being pressed onto people.
The reign of the Karen has begun.
A world full of butt hurt people that can’t take any critique or criticism without being offended.
A world where one wrong word could send someone spiraling.

I fear the future. I do not know how to help people eho do not know that they need help.
I cannot just sit here and watch the world burn – and yet, that is all I can do.

Policy makers are making life hard for everyone. Whether they know it or not.
Whether it’s deliberate or not. Are they just mere puppets, being controlled by an invisible hand, a puppet Master?

I do hope to see the world healed – before it’s too late and people all die in a terrible catastrophe.
Pray for humanity. We need it.