Archive for October, 2022

Post #84 – It’s Better than Sex

October 31, 2022

So a few nights ago I was feeling inspired.

As part of that “package” of thoughts, I started another post.

Let’s see what I wrote. But to be honest, I’m not feeling particularly inspired to write today.
Just one of those days. Oh and Happy Halloween!

“It’s better than sex.
How often do we hear these words?
I’m sure more often than not.

Well if sex is supposed to be so great, why then are so many other things better than it?

It’s because sex isn’t supposed to be the focus of a relationship, but rather just a part of it.

If the relationship sours, well guess what isn’t happening….
[I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point.]

More people should focus on the fundamentals of the relationship, companionship, love; rather than physical intimacy.

Physical attraction is important, sure, but it isn’t the only thing that matters.

Etc… Finish this thought later.”

I like where I was going with this.

I was trying to hone in on the “glue” of a relationship. What makes a relationship stronger?
Physical contact is something that any two people can partake in. But to truly know one another, to see into eachother’s hearts, that is the beauty of relationships.

Now I’m feeling somewhat inspired, hopefully I can keep this up.

Recently, I started reading a book called “The Storyteller’s Daughter” by Cameron Dokey. It is allegedly an artistic retelling of the ‘Arabian Nights’.
After the king’s wife betrays him for his [second] most trusted subject, and places a curse on him, his heart turns cold, and he vows to marry a new girl every month, but that their wedding night would be her last.

In this book, it explores the beautiful concept of seeing a person not with eyes, as we often do, but with our own hearts. To see into their souls, to know and be known.

To me, that’s what a relationship is all about. To know eachother more than just what we allow ourselves to be seen on the surface. To really, truly be intimate we must set aside our walls and look into eachother. That is where the true beauty lies.

As I run the risk of diluting my point, I shall end this one here.

Post #83 – Random Thoughts

October 30, 2022

Today is Sunday, October 30th 2022.
The world has just come out of a global pandemic.
War has broked out between Russia and Ukraine.
It has been 8 months already, and the war is still rages on.

There is Drought in China, Flooding in the Middle East, Sanctions against Russia, and The Netherlands has just passed a bill regarding the use of fertilizer on their crops.
The world is not looking to be in a good position for 2023.

There are rumours that there will be mass food shortages. With the sanctions against Russia, and the less-than-ideal policies here in North America regarding oil production, there also threatens to be a global energy crisis.
The USA’s Strategic Oil Reserve is being used now to combat high costs. OPEC has stated that they will reduce production due to less demand, and soon, the already high prices will be brought even higher.

Society is on the brink of collapse, as China’s housing sector is tumbling, developers have defaulted on their debts, housing projects are going unfinished – or being torn down altogether. Chinese citizens have stopped paying their mortgages for houses that they will never recieve, and Bank Runs are starting to happen.

As the US Fed continues raising interest rates to try and combat inflation, it also causes a tighter squeeze for many people, not just in North America, but all across the globe, as the USD is the global reserve currency.
This squeeze is affecting poorer nations the worst, as they are slowly becoming more unable to pay their debts since the interest is rising.

Speculation in the US and Canadian Stock Markets is fluctuating. Most days are bearish, but there are some short bull runs.
With the state of the world as it is, It’s hard to know exactly where to park my money so that it isn’t all lost, or becomes so devalued that the paper it’s printed on becomes no more valuable than actual Monopoly money…

“Currency is the medium on which all trade is based.”
If our current currency becomes devalued, what then are we to base our trades on? Good Will?

What gives currency it’s value anyway? Is it the promise made by the government? The Gold that it was once based on?
Or is it the belief that people place on it? How about none of these? What if the value that currency has is really nothing more than a token for an act or service provided.

How would an economy look if it were based on good deeds, and helping others?
Sure there would still be a need for physical goods too. In that regard, it isn’t so much a good deed, but more so the act. The Act of manufacturing something and making a product.
Who then is to say how many “deeds” would need to be done to acquire that object. How do you really base the value of a currency?

Is work really just the exchange of time for money?
Who then is to say that my time is worth less than someone else’s?
Time is finite. It truly the only currency that we possess.

Love on the hand is infinte, and can then be spread across the world with no consequences.
For as much as you love, you have lost nothing. Nothing was taken away, but only gained.

There are talks that the USA and other governing bodies are deliberately trying to devalue all currencies across the world so that they can implement a centralized digital currency.
A token if you will.

But the danger with that is that they will have absolute control over where, when, and how you can spend your money.
Again I ask, Who is to say that I am worth more or less than someone else?
Who will determine how much each person gets each month?
What If I want to give some money to a friend? will they allow that? or will that be giving someone more than their allotted ration?

Will I be allowed to spend it freely on things I desire, like travel, or will they limit who can travel, when and where?
It’s already happening in parts of the world, where theit governing body has absolute control over it’s people.
I live in a free country. Or at least, I used to.

Since the pandemic, the world has been more politicized and divided than it has ever been.
The threat of WW3 looms overhead each day.
Most people won’t survive it.

Again, who’s to say there isn’t some master puppet out there, controlling everything, pulling the strings to bend the world to their will.
If they want power and control, who will stop them? Who knows what’s even going on around them…

I fear the war is part of the master plan. The plan to limit the number of people on the planet, to gain absolute control of them, and to enslave them for their bidding.
There is no freedom anymore. Only fear.

Fear of your neighbours, fear of what they might think. Fear that they will label you “undesirable” and turn you over to the authorites for having a different opinion than theirs.

The world is sick. People are hurt. There is no civil discourse or open discussion anymore. Only censorship and “The Narrative” that is being pressed onto people.
The reign of the Karen has begun.
A world full of butt hurt people that can’t take any critique or criticism without being offended.
A world where one wrong word could send someone spiraling.

I fear the future. I do not know how to help people eho do not know that they need help.
I cannot just sit here and watch the world burn – and yet, that is all I can do.

Policy makers are making life hard for everyone. Whether they know it or not.
Whether it’s deliberate or not. Are they just mere puppets, being controlled by an invisible hand, a puppet Master?

I do hope to see the world healed – before it’s too late and people all die in a terrible catastrophe.
Pray for humanity. We need it.

Post #82 – Headspace

October 30, 2022

Before I begin, I just want to clarify, there is no post 77 78 79. Partly cuz I messed up the numbering (A few times it seems.. [There are 2 #42’s..?]); due in part because there was such a long gap in between writing, I must have misread the numbers – not to mention 2 really random, really old “Drafts” that had been lying around (One was from 2013 – literally… And it said nothing.. At all. Like a cat walking on my key board..). There are some un-numbered posts there as well. Maybe younger me didn’t count them as posts because of the topic (A how to of sorts),
And finally Just to give a fresh start. It has been years after all..

Now, on to the Content I jotted down as “Notes” that one day. (Clarification in Inspiration, but really, it’s just me rambling..)

Here’s what I wrote for Headspace:

“How often is it that you look back on something that you’ve said, wrote, or done, and scratch your head asking, ‘what was I thinking?’.

It’s interesting how in the moment, our headspace is in a certain place, [All the variables align, and we see our thoughts clearly], but when we reflect later on, [from a new headspace, a new perception], we are looking at it from fresh eyes, [As if] from the perspective of a stranger.

This is important because in this reflection we can perceive ourselves as others do.

Maybe [I] sounded condescending [to you], but didn’t realize [in the moment] because [my] heart was in the right place, but my head[space] wasnt.

Finish later.

Funny thing is, trying to pick up where I left off, I’ll be in a different headspace…”

And how true that is. Obviously I [edited] some parts as I was retyping it here.
Maybe it’s more clear, maybe it’s more wordy.. Who knows.

I can’t help but wonder where exactly I was going with this.
I remember a friend many years ago saying she was reading old chat threads and would cringe at her former self. How her headspace had shifted over time, or even from the moment.
I’ve experienced this myself too, going back and reading old forums, or chat logs.

How differently we perceive ourselves in our heads than what really gets put out there…

I don’t remember the actual conversation, or topic of the thread I went back and read, But I remember when I was typing it originally, I was (somewhat?) trying to convey to a friend that I cared for them, no matter what. But the way it came across (even to me re-reading it) was that I was a snotty selfish brat of a kid that didn’t really think of others as much as I thought I did…
And that scares me to this day. Knowing where *I’m* coming from, and what *I* mean, but not always communicating that effectively…

I recently came across a meme on facebook. It was something along the lines of “Worry more about your character than your reputation, because character is who you really are, and reputation is how people perceive you.” or something like that.
Anyway, it’s interesting how our perceptions can literally alter our reality. (Insert Veritasium video reference here – the one about the “Iteration Formula”)

I say that because let’s say there’s a coworker you don’t particularly like.
They can say something with the best of intentions, but because they aren’t high on your list of people you regard, you may interpret their words the wrong way, such as a personal attack. Though they didn’t mean it like that. Again, that’s seeing our reflection in others as well.. (Let’s see if I can develop this idea before it flees me entirely)

By not holding said person in high regard, you may see them as trying to attack you, (I’m losing it)
because “you don’t care for them, so why would they care about you?”
I think that’s what I was going for.. maybe?

Standing and typing is not my cuppa tea, but that’s where this computer is… hmm…

I’mma take a break, maybe I’ll edit this one in the future, when my brain is less foggy.
And there’s less things going on at the same time.

I’ll have to save the third “inspired” thought for next time.
“It’s better than sex”.

Before I leave completely, back to headspace, I was also going to allude to a computer programmer going back over his work years after it was first written, and then having to relearn what he knew then to get himself back into the same headspace in order to understand his original program. Quite fascinating really. But that’s where I’ll leave this one..

Who knows, maybe I’ll be inspired to write more often again.
We shall see.

Post #81 – Inspiration

October 30, 2022

Just the other day, as I was preparing to leave town for a short trip, and time was tight if I wanted to get to my destination at any sort of reasonable hour, A thought came into my head.
Several actually.

I was inspired!
Inspired to write again, after — how long?!

Anyway, this was somewhat ironic being the timing of it all, and the lack thereof.

Here are the notes I jotted down and hopefully it will re-inspire me to continue on,
Which of course was also the other idea I had at that moment – The post for “Headspace” which I also have some notes on, but first things first.

“Funny thing inspiration.
It can come when you least suspect.

Like in the shower when you’re preparing for a road trip and you’re already running late.

Or while reading an old blog post and doing some self reflection.”

Well… that was rather un-inspiring to say the least..
It’s basically just a parrot of what I wrote above…

dammit, now the phone is ringing… It’s 2:40 AM
Noise Complaint…

gjidyah. I write at this hour to avoid these interruptions…


2:50 AM – I’m back.

Where was I?
Right, Inspiration. It can come in many forms, from many places.
I happened to be inspired by reading some of my erm – “recent” posts.

And life events too. But it’s too soon to really say. I fear it’s over before it even started.
On 2 fronts.. hopefully not 3.

One of them at least was my own doing. I wasn’t ready to take the leap. I’m not in a position to go.
I just wanted to know what they would say. To see if I even had a chance.
And although they seemed on the fence, and despite that I wasn’t the strongest candidate, I like to think they’d have given me a shot.
Either time will tell, or we will never know…

Anyway, enough blabbering about this one. I was inspired, but couldn’t act on it. Inspiration is gone, So let’s move onto the other post I came up with that day. And possibly the last one if there’s time.

Who knows, Maybe I will be inspired by them.

Post #69 – Boohyeah! (Draft from 2021/04/16 [no changes were made])

October 30, 2022

So, originally I was planning on writing a post about how many times I’ve moved *That I physically remember*

then I got here and was like, ooh life update.. It been 3 years..
We shall see who wins out.

Then I remembered, I’m supposed to call someone about a house I may potentially move into.. And now I feel all of these tie together (Because at least 85%+ they do..)

anyway, call first and I’ll go from there.
NOTE TO SELF – dont forget the idea you had about Wisemen + Rocks, Fools + Sand, People with stability + Roots, vs Vegabonds, drifters, and nomads – no stability, no structure, no support, and no leg up to get ahead.. Y’know, the usual stuff..

Don’t forget. ok. OK! good. now call.