Post #7- Bottom half of page three.

ok, so here I will write the rest of page three.

(Jan 11, 2010)
I have “Amelia Earhart – back in time, or to the future?

I then have drawn some time lines that look like the scale lines they used to use in Math class. lets see if I can draw one:

                                                     Jumped to here
|——————————-                                   `————————————|
start/birth                         Jump through                         End/Death
                                         time to the future

where as for you, the line is unbroken, and time travel is instant. but time still moves around you, and so you have disappeared off the planet until your arrival. (now the years can really be anything, so I didn’t write them. but if you wanted, you could fill in whatever you wish)

or is life pre determined, like

|- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – |
Birth                                                                                          Death

Can worldly things really have an influence on this, or is your time pre made, and so no matter what, that is when you die? (ie murder, healthy eating vs non healthy eating, etc…) and how would we know. like if that person pulls the rigger and kills us, was that pre-determined, and so even though he had a choice, it was his fate to do so anyway? or was it all in our hands? No one will ever know for sure.

and is it possible to jump to the past and stay there, eventually dying, and have no influence on your birth point? like:

>—————————-                |——————————————-<
Jump to here                    Birth                                             Jump
                                                                                 back in time

Now I didn’t put in a death cuz the question is can you die before you were born? Also, if you did go back in time, would you forget what you already know, and revert to the same technology the new time has, or would you bring your future knowledge with you to the past?

I like how in the margin I wrote:
“Writing a program for the computer to know a program language is like studying the brain. when studying the brain, you are using the it to know what you are studying. kind of like, in my mind, a large circle. It starts with using the brain – to see the brain – to Understand the brain – to use the brain. (or like a web cam pointed at the screen, the cam sees the screen, and so the screen displays the screen. the cam now sees the screen displaying the screen, and so displays that, and that is how you get the webcam tunnel effect. As the Camera sees and updates what it sees, the thing it sees changes, and so goes on for eternity down a long tunnel. (the same effect is possible with two mirrors, but I find the viewer’s head gets in the way too easily.)

Page four is short, so I’ll tack it on to here.

I have  a picture of a circle, (representing the earth), and I have marked each of the four quadrants from a northern view. At the top I have a line labeled International Dateline. at the 3 o’clock, I have 6 AM. at the 6 o’clock, I labeled it Greenwich meridian (pronounced gren-itch) 12:00 PM. at the 9 o’clock I labeled it 6 PM. (and the centre says Northpole. South wont work the way I have it because when you are on a spinny chair and looking to the floor, the world spins in one direction, and as soon as you look to the ceiling, it spins in the opposite direction. So in order for a southerly view to work on my example, I would just have to mirror everything as it already is.)

Around the Earth I have drawn a line that points counterclockwise = East; clockwise = West. At the top of the page, where I labeled the Dateline, I have it marked Left hand side (Eastern) Dec 31, and the right Hand side (Western) Jan 1.
(these dates are substitutable as I have also written Jul 3 and 4. this was for understanding, and to double check that I was right the first time. I was : D )  I also just edited it and labeled relative places, like Japan, China, India, Africa, England, Canada, and Hawaii.  
Basically when you travel East, You also Travel Back in Time. This makes sense if you think of it in the aspect that Ontario would hit 6:00 before Manitoba, and Man would before Sask, and sask would before AB, and AB before BC. So assuming you could travel fast enough (maybe have to fly), you could essentially leave BC at Six, and Arrive in Ontario also At 6. (course it would be longer than a 1 hr flight). and the exact opposite is true When Travelling West.You are Essentially travelling forward in time.

So in the theory of Amelia Earhart’s Mysterious dissappearance, and presumed Time Travel (which I still have to research), If she was travelling East, she went back in Time, and if she went west, she may have appeared Ahead in time. And in using my diagrams above, if she went ahead in time, Depending on how far, She will have disappeared from the earth, and return at a later date. but to her it will ahve felt like no time at all.

Also on page 4 is a diagram of Earth and the sun, and the planets, and The Asteroid belt. (kind of looks like a Bohr Diagram from Chemistry class, just without the Electrons written in yet, but 1 -Earth; or a bulls-eye, lol)

The centre contains a Sun, (a dot), and there are 4 rings around it. 1 for Each Planet: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Then I have a fifth ring, but this is all x’s for the asteroid belt. On Earth’s ring (the third one), there is another dot (Earth), and around that I have put a ring. Not for the moon, but to represent the Earth’s spin on its axis. Looking down from the North, The Earth Spins counterclockwise. (Sun rises in East, sets in West…), as for the Revolution around the sun, I can only assume, and so I wrote it as Clockwise, but I could be wrong. (my sister’s starry night enthusiast 5 program says different…) all well.. Anyway, we know 1 Earth’s turn = ~24 hrs. and 1 Revolution around the Sun = ~1 Yr.

Anyway the reason I wrote this, at least I think this is why, is because In my own theory, When you travel back in time, you are not just, going to a diferent time, but you are also sending the world back in time. like when you rewind a video, and everyone resets to their original positions, so when you hit play it is the exact same, well I see it like that with Time Travel. When you go back to this morning persay, Everything else also realigns. Like the Earth reverts back to its same postition, revoltion around the sun, angle to the sun, and everything else. even the guy across the street working in the convenience store and his customers reset themselves to their exact same postions as it was at that time. And of course, no one knows the difference except the one that made it happen, and a select few that are special in that way.

anyway, that was page 4 with add ons, and the second half of Page three. I have to go do some housework now.

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